Mention Garmin and what comes to your mind straight away? Why, GPS, of course! The company isn’t about to go belly up anytime soon with more and more people jumping aboard the GPS bandwagon, and their latest portable navigation device would be the nüvi 1690, where it will come equipped with a built-in wireless module that enables customers to access Garmin’s nüLink! service which will offer direct links to selected online information including Google local search, traffic, weather, fuel prices, movie listings, flight status, local events, white page telephone listings and Ciao!. Ciao! is actually Garmin’s exclusive location-based social networking system which will hook up with multiple networks to form a solitary portal specially for Garmin users. All US-based nüvi 1690 will be equipped with a couple of years’ worth of Garmin nüLink! service for free.
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