You may have spotted the bullet shaped USB drive that made its way onto the site only a few days ago. If you decided to pick one up, you’ll need one of these space pens to finish off the set. It not only looks like a bullet, but it can manage to write under conditions that a normal pen wouldn’t survive. All of that is thanks to a special cartridge that’s placed in all Fisher pens including this one.
That cartridge was designed to be used in the zero gravity environment while in space. It can write at absolutely any angle, including upside down and is capable of writing while you’re underwater. Now if only you could get your notepad to survive underwater. It can also write on top of grease and oil and when it’s dealing with extreme temperatures. The specialized thixotropic ink can also write three times longer than if you were using just normal ink. You can purchase the .375 Caliber Bullet Space Pen for $24.95 from Vat 19.
Source: Crunchgear
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5 years ago
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