In case you needed more proof that this 3D fad isn’t dying anytime soon, then you should know that there will be a 3D channel coming to the UK sometime next year.
BSkyB is the company responsible for trying to institute would could be the norm of television in the future. Apparently, the company is doing very well with its Sky+ HD box, a device which makes the 3D broadcasting possible.
Customers who want to watch the 3D channel will have to purchase a “3D ready” television, and yes, they will have to wear special goggles. Right now, a typical “3D ready” TV by Hyundai costs quite a bit. However, costs have been known to go down with user demands.
Of course, the price of the 3D ready TV sets isn’t the only question I have for BSkyB’s 3D channel. I am guessing that this 3D station plans to have 3D content 24/7, which means that all of the exclusive footage must be filmed with special cameras. I can’t help but wonder what type of shows they would have.
I would highly suggest that BSkyB carry content with 3D animation. You might notice that many CG movies like Up and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs are being released in 3D, and I believe it is because CG animation is easy to shift into 3D mode. There are a few computer animated shows on television now (mostly for kids), and if these were turned 3D, then you’d really have a hard time prying your kid away from the TV.
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5 years ago
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