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5 years ago
Review on the latest PC or computer hardwares, notebooks, netbooks, accessories, gadgets, mobile phones and video game consoles on the market
Watched enough spy movies to come to a conclusion that night vision googles is one essential tool that no covert operative should go without? You can now re-enact your own spy theatrics with this pair of Night Vision Goggles. It allows you (and your kids who obviously want to have a go at it) to view up to 15 meters ahead even in pitch black darkness. Just make sure that there isn’t going to be any sudden flashes of light lest you end up dazed. The Night Vision Goggles will work using infra-red light and at full power the light is still barely visible to the naked eye. They are pretty expensive at £99.99 a pop for a kid’s toy though, so be careful with this when playing.
Labels: Electronic Gadgets
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