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Nio insures no gadget is left behind

“You hear that, Mr. Anderson, that is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of a stolen gadget.”
“My name is Nio.”
Not the first time that I have used dialogue from The Matrix to introduce a new product. This seems to happen every time I report on a product with a name that sounds like “Neo“. Today it is the Nio security system.
The Nio is a very simple concept. It uses “tags” that are synced via Bluetooth to a mobile device. These tags can be placed on briefcases, expensive gadgets, or anything else that you don’t want to let out of your sight. There’s a video of it after the jump.
nio-bluetooth-security-tagReview on the latest all gadgets , PC or computer hardwares, notebooks, netbooks, accessories, gadgets, mobile phones and video game consoles on the market

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