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Ultrasonic Voice Recorder Dog Trainer

Training dogs isn’t always easy, some dogs are easier than others.  However, either way it takes a great deal of work and dedication to accomplish anything with your pet.  With this device, hopefully you can make the training process a little more smooth for you.  This voice recorder was created in hopes that it would reinforce all that effort you put into training.  It uses both your own voice commands, as well as the option to use high frequency tones.
The tones can of course only be heard by your dog.  Whereas the voice recordings are just normal recordings of your commands.  It’d make things easier for other members of your family if the dog only listens to you.  With this they could get the dog to quit jumping all over them by pressing a button.  Whether or not it actually works is unknown, but it could be worth testing out.  You can purchase it for $27.69 from UX Sight.
Source: TechChee

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