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Solar Coasters

If you happen to host plenty of parties over a year, then chances are most of them would be free flowing with booze to keep some guests happy. After all, what’s a party without any tongue-loosening alcohol? Coasters are an important part of any party, being a subtle advertising tool if your beer is sponsored, but if you happen to love being in the center of attention always, how about using these Solar Coasters?

Just the thing to liven up drinks outside, these solar coasters collect energy from the sun and use it to illuminate your drink when its dark. Ideal for patios & garden tables these colour-morphing coasters collect solar energy in the light, and light up when you rest your drink on them!
solar-coasterThe colors will morph from one to another from time to time, and it is smart enough to light up automatically whenever you place your poison of choice on top of them. Needless to say, something like this is a bit expensive at £14.95 a pop, but the attention from the masses might be well worth the money.

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