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Reality Gaming Accessory for iPhone - AppBlaster

AppBlaster: Augmented Reality Gaming Accessory for iPhoneAppBlaster: Augmented Reality Gaming Accessory for iPhone, The appBlaster, known as the appGun during its development by AppToyz, combine a plastic gun toy, an iPhone or iPod Touch and augmented reality, it lets gamers play an AR FPS game, check out the video, it is hilarious.The triggers operate two pads that touch the screen and shoot the in-game gun, letting the gamer to use both the primary and secondary gun functions.
The gun can be cocked and reloaded using the iPhone’s/iPod touch’s motion sensitivity, and it does not need any batteries: it uses the trigger-to-touch-screen technology to fire the in-game gun. AppBlaster will be available first at the Red 5 concession in Selfridges London for £19.99, from 6 July and from 7 July.

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