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Nintendo Game Boy GBA SP Arcade Tabletop expensive casemod

Nintendo Game Boy GBA SP Arcade Tabletop expensive casemodAlthough GameBoy Advance is an old handheld console, that isn’t stopping Toy and Television Games from making GBA mods. Folks from Toy and Television Games have just released their latest product called Nintendo Game Boy GBA SP Arcade Tabletop that combines the power of GameBoy Advance, arcade controls with 4 buttons and arcade joystick, Acacia wood and American steel dock. Despite its unusual look and feel, we can’t shake the feeling that this mod looks bit bulky to us compared to the standard GameBoy Advance SP. Also, we have to mention that it takes about 300 hours to make a single Nintendo Game Boy GBA SP Arcade Tabletop.

This casemod is interesting, but it also comes with a hefty price of $399, so we’re not so sure as to how many customers will be tempted its way.

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