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Digital Peephole Viewer

I’m sure that most of you have received a knock at the door from an uninvited guest, and you looked through the peephole to see who it is. What you usually see is some person with an overly-sized head. Now are you going to let that person in?
At least with the Digital Peephole Viewer, you actually get to see what the person looks like. This device is designed to fit in an ordinary peephole without any external camera or fancy wiring. Chances are, it will only take about five minutes for installation. Of course, this is one of those “five minute” projects that take an hour after set up and take down.
However, it might be worth it just to get a clearer view of who’s at the door. Just between you and me, I probably wouldn’t let the guy in the photo in. He looks like some salesman or a purveyor of a religion that I don’t want.

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