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Sony PSP Go now available

Want to get hold of the latest offering from Sony? It will be one with a gaming slant this time round – the new Sony PSP Go, also known by its model number PSP-N1000. Out in North America a few months after it debuted in Japan, the $249.99 handheld console will target consumers who want to bring their entertainment along with them wherever they go. Currently, there are 16,000 pieces of digital content available for PSP owners to purchase/download over the PlayStation Network, ranging from games to popular TV shows, and this number looks set to grow by leaps and bounds so that the UMD-less PSP Go will have a greater chance of survival. We’re not too sure whether the $249.99 price point will prevent it from selling tons, but we do know there is always a bunch of loyal early adopters who absolutely adore Sony to provide decent sales figures in the beginning. If you already own a Sony PSP, would you fork out money that can pick up a Wii with change to spare instead of the PSP Go?

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