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Two New Lego Gadgets use Mini-Figs

There are always too many Lego-related products on the market these days, and it and would appear that two mini-figurine (mini-fig) related ones are making the news today.
The first looks like it is an official Lego product, a Lego LED Lantern. The 8.8 inch tall Lego mini-fig hangs from a handle and can swing from there. It uses four white LED lights, and is powered by four AA batteries.
The second are not official Lego products, but they really ought to be. These are flash drives shaped like mini-figs, and some of them are Star Wars characters like Darth Vader, Yoda, or an Imperial Stormtrooper. They also have some that are shaped like other Lego mini-figs like Spongebob Squarepants and even some bricks. Unlike the Lego Lantern, they come in all shapes and sizes, not to mention memory.lego_gadgets
If you want either of these products, you’ll have to go to separate places. The first is on the Perpetual Kid site for $19.99. The other is on the Etsy site at varying prices based on memory. The 2GB is for $45.95, the 4GB is for $69.95, and 4GB high speed for $79.95. There is even a 16GB version for $99.95.
So this begs the question: what other Lego mini-fig products can possibly be made? Lego officially has keychains, but I’m looking forward to the mini-fig cellular phones, GPS devices, and PMPs. This is assuming they don’t have them already.

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